Demo of the upcoming Windows 7 with new features and applications.
Author: Kristin Powell
History of Computing: Chronological Timeline
The History of Computing Project is a collaborative effort to record and publish the history of the computer and its roots. The timeline covers prehistory, ancient, pre-industrial (1886-1946), and industrial (1947-present)
Michael Jordan vs. Michael Jordan Commercial
This is a classic
Sync your iPhone Wirelessly in Linux
Apple may open up its iPhone and iPod touch devices to third-party apps next month, but the chances that Linux users will get invited to the party are slim at best. That hasn’t stopped some intrepid hackers from coming up with a better music-syncing solution than the one Mac and Windows users have—a two-way wireless transfer
Linux Kernel
Linux Kernel is the essential part of Linux, responsible for resource allocation, low-level hardware interfaces, security, simple communications, and basic file system management.
Desktop Linux hurts Microsoft
Desktop Linux hurts Microsoft
Microsoft Open Source To Extend Systems Management To LINUX
Why is Microsoft using an open source project to manage Linux rather than developing most of the code itself? All-in-all, it’s as much a business decision as anything else.
Workaround Released for Seagate Free Agent
The latest batch of external drives from Seagate, the so-called Free Agent series are not compatible with Linux, but some workarounds have been discovered.
Microsoft releases the long-anticipated Windows XP SP3
Microsoft has officially announced the availability of Service Pack 3 for Windows XP. The languages are now available via the Microsoft Download Center and Windows Update.
Telstra needs real competition
Next week the so-called G9 consortium of everybody except Telstra will appoint a chairman and a bid manager to handle the tender for the Government’s national broadband network (NBN).