
  • Bandwidth Speeds – The Government to the Rescue?

    Buried in the $800 billion economic stimulus package that President-elect Obama is pushing is a serious incentive package for our US communications companies to improve bandwidth speeds.

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  • Hierarchy of Crowdsourcing

    This is a very interesting article about the Hierarchy of Crowdsourcing

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  • The Cloud Needs Focus

    This is no secret, but, I am a huge advocate of the Cloud technology ecosystem. I use about as many applications in the cloud as I can find. If there is a good, free, or low-cost alternative to a bulky and costly application; I’m there. I believe that fundamentally, this is where all computing is headed; into a distributed platform of coexisting application providers.

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  • Content is the New Democracy

    Here is a quote I have been preaching in speeches these days, “Content is the new democracy and we the people are insuring that our our voices are heard.” This wisdom is from Brian Solis who is an expert on social media. It is important for all of us to understand that for the first time in history, any person, for free, can communicate with 1.5 billion others over the Internet. Never before – highlight on the word “never” – could a person publish their thoughts to a vast chunk of humanity in an unfiltered and unhindered way. Sure, the president could get television airtime and reach lots of people, and the Superbowl is broadcast worldwide, but I am talking about you and me. In fact, I am talking about this document you are reading right now having the potential to end up in front of anyone, and everyone, with an Internet connection. These words are content and with a push of the button, they will be flung out into the world to create value, or not. I will have no bills to pay, and no control over where it goes from your screen.

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  • Google says “Uncle”

    Last week Google announced that they were pulling one of their latest services off the Web.  Google Lively was their first attempt to play in the virtual world space.  The concept seemed to me to be a poor attempt to let users create their own rooms where they could hold virtual conversations with other avatars.

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  • Unnecessary censorship w/ Sesame Street 2

    Unnecessary censorship, come and play edition Part 2.Funny

  • The Platform of Clouds

    We hear about the ‘Cloud’ at every turn lately, but the cloud has been coming for a long time, in many varied ways. The well known players are all household names: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, IBM, Microsoft,, Sun and more; but their ideas are closer than they would like to admit: offer reliable development platforms, with elastic storage services, to anyone who wants to write an application. I know, I might have over simplified that a bit, but not by much.

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  • Microsoft and the Cloud

    At a developers conference last week, Microsoft rolled out a mind bending set of new ideas (products?) that leverage the concept of cloud computing. This makes a lot of sense because as companies figure out that they can rent software, storage and servers from big name providers like IBM, Amazon, Google, and HP, the landscape for software providers will change.

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  • Sebastien Bourdais Handed 25s Penalty

    Following his tangle with Felipe Massa during the closing stages of the Japanese Grand Prix, Scuderia Toro Rosso driver Sebastien Bourdais has been given a 25s penalty.

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  • Zero-X Electric Off-Road Motorcycle: Electric Goodness

    The Zero-X electric off-road motorcycle is powered by a 17kW motor capable of 23 peak horsepower, can go 0-30 mph in less than 2 seconds with top speeds of 60 mph. The motorcycle recharges in less than 2 hours for a cost of about $0.25 per charge. Sounds like fun to me.

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