Intel has announced that the upcoming Nehalem processor will be officially known as the Core i7. Nehalem has been the code name for Intel’s upcoming processors first due in Q4 2008. Nehalem represents a major overhaul of Intel’s processor technology and introduces a number of improvements over…
- announces Playbuntu, a leading provider of new and updated programs for Ubuntu is announcing the start of a gaming repository for Ubuntu. The repository (codenamed “Playbuntu”) will provide all games available on in an easy to use repository format – enabling you to receive updates for your favourite game via the Update Manager tool.
CERN rap video about LHC creates black hole of awesomeness
Been having a tough time figuring out just what CERN’s Large Hadron Collider does? Worried that it will create a Möbius strip (a rip in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop)? Just love to jam? Watch this CERN-sponsored rap after the break, and have your universe totally destroyed. Er, but not for real.
Is Linux Finally Ready For The Desktop Takeover?
Everyone with even a minor experience in computers knows what Linux is? It is a remarkably complete operating system and is one of the most prominent examples of free software and open source development.By attacking from the bottom, where Microsoft can no longer successfully compete, Linux will finally cut itself a large slice of the desktop.
IBM targets Microsoft with desktop Linux initiative
During a press briefing at LinuxWorld today in San Francisco, IBM announced a new partnership with Red Hat, Novell, and Canonical to offer “Microsoft-free” personal computers with IBM’s Lotus Notes and Lotus Symphony software. The goal is to provide a preintegrated stack that can serve as a complete alternative to Windows and Microsoft Office.
WiFi software arrives on Linux desktops
A vendor of Linux-based WiFi arrays is finally releasing a version of its WiFi Monitor utility for Linux desktops. The open source, widget-like Xirrus WiFi Monitor for Linux enables users to monitor, secure, and troubleshoot WiFi networks, says Xirrus.
Fans have your say
People power can help decide the new logo for the latest edition on the V8 Supercar Championship Series – the Townsville 400 in north Queensland next June.
Softer compound tyre in works
Dunlop’s Operations Manager for V8 Supercars, Kevin Fitzsimons, said the tyre manufacturer is in talks to introduce a softer compound tyre for the category.
“The Incredibles” Done as an ASCII Movie
Takes time to load but once it does, you’ll be amazed
McLaren confirm Kovalainen for 2009
Heikki Kovalainen will stay at McLaren-Mercedes in 2009, the team revealed at the Hungaroring circuit near Budapest on Thursday.