The other day I got into a somewhat heated discussion about why Linux is a viable alternative desktop OS. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to move the other side past the rhetoric and myths that seem to surround Linux. It is because of this discussion that I am writing this…as a way to give accurate information.
10 Futuristic Movie Gadgets That Become Reality
We found ten real-world examples of our favorite futuristic sci-fi gadgets.
Debut Resistance 2 Teaser Trailer
Tonight, GameTrailers debuted the first-ever trailer for Resistance 2. Check it out inside.
Nvidia 174.85 graphics drivers for Vista leaked
The 174.85 beta graphics driver for both the 32 and 64bit version of Windows Vista is dated March 29 and features support for Nvidia’s latest IGPs – GeForce 8200, 8300, nForce 750a, 780a and more, plus the desktop-prone GeForce 6, 7, 8 and 9 series cards.
Smaller V8 grids will mean better grids
Smaller grids will mean better grids, V8 Supercar chief executive Wayne Cattach insists.
Gartner: “Windows is too monolithic” – Opens door for Linux
Microsoft’s Windows juggernaut is collapsing as it tries to support 20 years of applications and becomes more complicated by the minute. Meanwhile, Windows has outgrown hardware and customers are pondering skipping Vista to wait for Windows 7. If Windows is going to remain relevant it will need radical changes….”Windows is too monolithic.”
Liberal Party: OPEL abolishment supporters named
The Liberal Party is adamant that project data relating to the OPEL broadband network reveals the impact the Rudd Labor Government’s decision to axe it will have on under-served premises across rural, regional and remote Australia.
Tenders for $4.7b broadband plan
THE Federal Government’s much-touted $4.7 billion broadband roll-out plan has picked up speed with Broadband Minister Stephen Conroy today calling for tenders.
National broadband plan moves closer
The federal government has moved a step closer to delivering on plans to build a national high-speed broadband network, while promising the bush will not be left out.
Australia’s FTTN network: Conroy fires starter’s gun
The competition to build the national fibre-to-the-node (FTTN) broadband network has started today, with Broadband Minister Stephen Conroy officially calling for telcos wanting to build the network to come forward.